Technical and technological advantages of precision machining (cutting)
精密机械(切削)加工与无屑工艺相比, 切削加工的优点首先在于,既有很高的材料切除率,又有良好的经济性。例如与激光等离子加工工艺相比即如此;这是因为这种工艺目前只有供应很大的能量才能达 到较高的材料切除率;另一方面,加工出的工件能否达到尺寸和形状精度要求尚存问题。无屑压力加工主要用于大批量生产,往往需要后序切削加工, 以获得最终合格的工件形状。因此机械(切削)加工的主要优点是能使工件达到较高的精度。
Comparing with the chip-free process, the advantages of precision machining lie in both high material removal rate and good economy. This is true, for example, compared with laser plasma processing, which currently requires a large amount of energy to achieve a high material removal rate; on the other hand, whether the workpiece can meet the size and shape accuracy requirements remains a problem. Chip-free pressure machining is mainly used in mass production, often requires post-sequence cutting to obtain the final qualified workpiece shape. Therefore, the main advantage of mechanical (cutting) machining is to enable the workpiece to achieve higher accuracy.
精密机械加工应用广泛, 特别是伴随小批量生产发腱趋势,对工件的形状和尺寸精度要求越来越高,为机械加工开辟了新的更加广泛的领域。使用车床自然要进行各种车削加工, 但还应注意到,钻削、铣削、磨削以及切齿等加工过程都可集中在一台车床上完成(工序集成)的趋势,这就是现在发展起来的车铣加工中心的复合机床的加工方法。
Precision machining is widely used, especially with the trend of small-batch production tendon, the shape and size accuracy of the workpiece is increasingly demanded, which opens up a new and more extensive field for machining. The use of lathes naturally requires a variety of turning, but it should also be noted that the drilling, milling, grinding and cutting process can be concentrated on a lathe to complete (process integration) trend, which is now developed in the Lathe-milling machining center of the complex machine tool processing method.