The flexible short pipe of smoke control system is made of flammable materials
假山制作 不锈钢铸件 铝箔真空袋 七孔梅花管 hdpe硅芯管 液压钢坝 PVC软管 飞行激光打标机 沥青保温采取防止结露的措施;用于空调净化系统的还应是内壁光滑、不易产生尘埃的材料。
The flexible short pipe of smoke control and exhaust system must be made of non combustible materials, and the flexible materials that are anti-corrosion, moisture-proof, air tight and not easy to mildew shall be selected. For air conditioning system, measures to prevent condensation shall be taken; The materials used for air conditioning purification system shall also be materials with smooth inner wall and not easy to produce dust.